Terms & Conditions

Thank you for visiting peaccountingsolution.com website. We have set up some rules to ensure that we can keep this website useful and safe for everyone. PE Accounting Solution reserves the right to change these guidelines and disclaimers at any time, and you agree that each time you visit the website peaccountingsolution.com, you shall be subject to the current guidelines.

1.1 General Introduction

The Terms of Service (the “Terms”) govern your use of our  website peaccountingsolution.com. Please read through the Terms carefully. If you do not agree with the Terms, do not use this website. If you use the website, this indicates that you agree to be bound by the Terms. 

1.2 Copyright

Unless otherwise specified, the copyright in the contents of all the pages in this website are owned or licensed to PE Accounting Solution.

1.3 Conditions of your use of this website

1.3.1 You may not distribute, display or copy any of the contents of the pages contained in this website to third parties including, but not limited to “caching” any material on this website for access by third parties and “mirroring” any material on this website.

1.3.2 You may print or download the contents of your paid courses only.

1.4 Registration for online courses

1.4.1 You are required to complete the sign up form before making a purchase in order to register for the online courses (the “Service”) and set up your account with PE Accounting Solution (the “Account”). You confirm that all the details supplied by you at registration are accurate and complete. 

You agree to promptly notify us of any changes in your details by sending a mail to [email protected]. We may refuse any application to register at our sole discretion.

1.4.2 The details you provide to us will be stored on computer and used to provide the Service to you. Your details will not be supplied to any other third parties except where required by law or as necessary to provide the Service. Please see more information in the section Privacy and Data Protection.

1.4.3 In the sign up form, you are required to provide your valid e-mail address and create secure password for accessing your Account. After you fill in the sign up form, you will receive validation e-mail from us to your e-mail address. You are required to complete your registration by visiting the link contained in validation e-mail. Only after you validate your registration, your account becomes active and you may use the website and the Service.

1.4.4 You are responsible for the security and proper use of your password and your Account, including all charges incurred through them. You must inform us immediately if you have any reason to believe that your password has become known to someone not authorised to use it. If we reasonably believe that there is likely to be a breach of security or misuse of the Service or your Account we may change your password immediately and will notify you accordingly.

1.4.5 If you have lost your password to sign in to your Account, please notify us by sending a mail to [email protected]. We will create new password for you and send it to your e-mail address.

1.5 Purchase of the Service

1.5.1 Before purchase of the Service

In the case that you purchase a Service without ensuring that you do not have technical problems, you acknowledge and accept that we cannot be held responsible and liable for the technical problems you encounter following the purchase of a Service.

1.5.2 Online courses Upon payment of the fee for an online course, you will have access to that online course purchased for the period specified for that course at the time of purchase. We will provide the access directly to your Account. The online course that you have purchased is personal to you and you may not transfer your rights to access the online course or provide the online course to another person. You may not in any way copy or otherwise distribute the online course purchased. The provision of the online courses is contingent upon us having received payment in full from you in respect of the relevant online course. Without prejudice to our rights and remedies under these Terms, if any sum payable is not paid on or before the due date, we reserve the right, forthwith and at our sole discretion, to suspend the provision to you of the relevant online course. Online courses consist of videos, training materials, templates and quizzes. You can attempt each quiz after finishing the study of individual lessons. If you answer correctly at least 70%, then the printable certificate will be issued to you online.

1.6 Fee, payment, and invoice

1.6.1 You shall pay the appropriate fee due for the Service which you order through your Account in accordance with this clause.

1.6.2 Payment shall be made at the time of order by using credit card or PayPal.

1.6.3 For each purchase, an invoice will be generated automatically. You are responsible for all invoicing information that will appear on the face of invoice (name, address, tax numbers, etc.).

1.6.4 If you are from the European Union, the value added tax (VAT) will be automatically added to your order.

1.7 Modifications to online courses

1.7.1 If we may make modifications and enhancements (for example, updated case studies, updated worked examples) to existing online courses, you will have access to such changes free of charge during your access period of the purchased online course.

1.7.2 Following the enactment of new legislation or issue of new regulations, we may enlist the new online course covering the new material. For the avoidance of doubt, purchase of a current online course does not entitle the purchaser to these amendments as part of the original purchase.

1.7.3 Where regulatory authorities issue new guidance or other pronouncements which supersede or materially change existing online courses, we will issue a notification of expected new guidance as soon as reasonably practicable and publish it against relevant online course. Where a notice appears against an online course, please consider whether you wish to purchase the existing online course or wait until new online course is made available for purchase on the website. Purchase of existing online courses subsequent to notification of expected guidance will not entitle the purchaser to new online courses. New online courses must be purchased separately.

1.7.4 From the date upon which any new guidance or legislation becomes effective, existing online courses will cease to be available for purchase. In these circumstances, these outdated online courses will be removed from the list of courses. When a course is removed, the course will no longer be accessible. You will be notified about it and if you purchased access to online course for specified period prior removal, we grant that access to you until specified period lapses. 

1.8 Use of training materials

1.8.1 The Service enables you to access training materials which are protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights and related rights (the “Rights”) of PE Accounting Solution.

18.2 Subject to payment of the appropriate fee at the time of purchase, any training material that you access may be retained by you for an unlimited period and viewed as many times as you wish provided it is used for your private and internal business use only. You may make, and use, such copies of the training material as are reasonably necessary to enable this use only. All other Rights are reserved by PE Accounting Solution and for the avoidance of doubts, the training material is not transferable.

1.8.3 You and any other third parties do not have the right to reproduce, in either hard copy or electronic format the training materials published by PE Accounting Solution.

1.9 Technical availability and disruption of access

1.9.1 We will ensure that the website is available 24 hours a day 7 days a week. However, we reserve the right to suspend access to the website. There may be occasions when access to the website is interrupted for emergency maintenance or repairs or to carry out upgrades to improve the performance or functionality of the website. Access may also be interrupted due to failures of telecommunications links and equipment, which are beyond our control.

2. Purchase of online courses provided by third parties on our website

2.1. You can purchase the online courses by the third parties on our website. Hereby, you acknowledge that the third parties are responsible to carry out the courses and we are acting only as a sales representative. Therefore, by making a purchase of the third party courses on our website, you agree to the terms of services by the third parties.

2.2 Limitation of liability

2.2.1 Our Services are for training purposes only. We will not accept any responsibility to any party for the use of these materials for any purpose other than training, including but not limited to the giving of advice by any purchaser to any third party. We do not provide legal and tax advice.

2.2.2 Whilst we will use all reasonable skills and care in the creation and supply of the Service and the training materials, we do not give any warranty as to their suitability, accuracy or fitness for any purpose.

2.2.3 The pages contained on this website may contain technical inaccuracies and typographical errors. The information on these pages may be updated from time to time and may at times be out of date. We accept no responsibility for keeping the information on these pages up to date or liability for any failure to do so.

2.2.4 Subject to 2.2.5 and 2.2.6, we exclude all liability whether in contract, tort (including liability for negligence) or otherwise for the suitability, accuracy or fitness for any purpose of the Service and any training material and limit liability for any other liability under these Terms to the fee payable by you for the element of the Service or training material in dispute.

2.2.5 Subject to 2.2.6 we exclude all liability for loss of business revenue or profits, anticipated savings or wasted expenditure, corruption or destruction or data or for any other indirect or consequential loss whatever.

2.2.6 We limit or exclude our liability for death or personal injury caused by its negligence or any other liability the limitation or exclusion of which is prohibited by law.

2.2.7 We accept no liability if, for whatever reason, a course does not take place.

3. Privacy and data protection

3.1 We do not need your consent if we use special categories of your personal information in accordance with our written policy to carry out our legal obligations.

3.2 In some circumstances, we may ask you for your written consent to allow us to process certain particularly sensitive data. When we do, we will provide you with full details of the information that we would like and the reason we need it, so that you can carefully consider whether you wish to consent.

3.3 You should be aware that it is not a condition of your contract/right to study with us that you agree to any request for consent from us. However, we may not be able to provide you with certain services (such as learning support) if you do not agree to provide such data to us.

3.4 Our course and site is hosted by Thinkific Labs Inc. (“Thinkific”). They provide us with the online course creation platform that allow us to sell our product/services to you. Your data is stored through Thinkific’s data storage, databases and the general Thinkific application. They store your data on a secure server behind a firewall.

3.5 We collect the following information about you:

3.6 We use the information about you to communicate with you and operate our online courses. We also need your information in order to issue the invoices for the courses, to track your progress in the course and to issue certificates of completion after you successfully pass the quiz.

3.7 Our commitment is to protect your privacy. Personal details obtained from you are not shared with any parties external to PE Accounting Solution except for when required by law and except as described in the point 3.8.

3.8 If you purchase the third-party course from us as described in above paragraphs of these Terms, we will share your full name and e-mail address with the third-party provider in order to give you the access to the relevant course and carry out the training.

3.9 This website uses cookies to improve your experience and enable our service. By continuing to use the website, you agree to use cookies. You can read more about our cookie policy here.

3.10 Your information collected by us is securely stored on our secure servers and is not accessible to third parties.

3.11 For purchase on our site, we use a third party payment processor such as Stripe and PayPal. Payments are encrypted through the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS). Your purchase transaction data is stored only as long as is necessary to complete your purchase transaction. All direct payment gateways adhere to the standards set by PCI-DSS as managed by the PCI Security Standards Council, which is a joint effort of brands like Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover. PCI-DSS requirements help ensure the secure handling of credit card information by our site and related courses and its service providers.

When you make a payment on the website, you will be redirected to the third party payment gate and you need to submit your payment details to them. We do not receive any payment information from you directly. Both our payment gates have their own strong data protection policies in place and all payment transactions and information are encrypted using SSL technology to ensure the highest level of security.

3.12 We will only retain your personal data for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes we collected it for, including for the purposes of satisfying any legal, accounting, or reporting requirements.

3.13 Cookies

We collect cookies or similar tracking technologies. This means information that our website’s server transfers to your computer. This information can be used to track your session on our website. Cookies may also be used to customize our website content for you as an individual. If you are using one of the common Internet web browsers, you can set up your browser to either let you know when you receive a cookie or to deny cookie access to your computer.

We use cookies to recognise your device and provide you with a personalised experience.

We also use cookies to attribute visits to our websites to third-party sources and to serve targeted ads from Google, Facebook, Instagram and other third-party vendors.

Our third-party advertisers use cookies to track your prior visits to our websites and elsewhere on the Internet in order to serve you targeted ads. For more information about targeted or behavioral advertising, please visit https://www.networkadvertising.org/understanding-online-advertising.

Opting out: You can opt out of targeted ads served via specific third-party vendors by visiting the Digital Advertising Alliance’s Opt-Out page.

We may also use automated tracking methods on our websites, in communications with you, and in our products and services, to measure performance and engagement.

Please note that because there is no consistent industry understanding of how to respond to “Do Not Track” signals, we do not alter our data collection and usage practices when we detect such a signal from your browser.

4. Indemnification

4.1 You agree to indemnify PE Accounting Solution against any claims or legal proceedings arising from any use by you of the Service and the training materials under this Agreement which are brought or threatened against us by another person.

5. Cancellation and Termination

5.1 In addition to any other rights we may have, we can terminate your password and your Account immediately without notice if you: (a) breach any provision of this Agreement and fail to remedy that breach promptly upon notice from us; or (b) are made bankrupt, enter into liquidation or any arrangement or composition with your creditors or if a receiver or administrator or administrative receiver is appointed against any of your assets or business.

6. Others

6.1 We may modify the Terms at any time, such modifications becoming effective immediately upon either posting of the modified Terms on the Service or notification to you. By continuing to use the Service following any such modification you will be deemed to accept such modification.

6.2 You are not allowed to re-sell or attempt to re-sell the Service (or any part or facility of it), and the training materials to any other person.

6.3 If we cannot perform our obligation under these Terms because of circumstances beyond our reasonable control such as technical failure, severe weather, fire or explosion, civil disorder, war, or military operations, natural or local emergency, anything done by government or other competent authority or industrial disputes of any kind, we will not be liable for this. 

6.4 Notices given under these Terms may be given by us to you in writing to your e-mail address and by you to us to in writing to [email protected].